Thursday, May 28, 2020

Exploitation of the American Male in Hollywood

With America and the world in the throes of constant bombardment by what can only be described as evil, it is worth taking a few minutes to carefully peruse some of the warning signs that many of us have been deceived into ignoring. This posting is by no means exhaustive and I am only focusing on one aspect of the culture. But I do want to highlight some of these aspects that may be seen, unseen, or simply glossed over by the masses. The best way to get the ball rolling is to introduce what I believe to be an excellent segue into the darker machinations that are prevalent today.

The new global religion is secular humanism. It promotes confusion and compromise through politically correct tolerance in the name of multiculturalism.” – Mahesh & Bonnie Chavda, Storm Warrior (2008)

A few years back, I was scrolling The Flash actor's, Grant Gustin, Instagram and found a picture of the book, Coming Out To Play, by former Major League Soccer player, Robbie Rogers. The picture, as of this writing, was posted, 11/24/2014. In 2015, The Flash won the “People’s Choice Award” and the actor won “The Big Kid Choice Award.” Now this is not to point fingers at any one individual, but rather to point to a pattern of homosexuality that permeates the Hollywood square (no pun intended). Robbie Rogers is married to Greg Berlanti, a successful writer and producer in Hollywood, whose relevant works here include, Flash, Arrow, and Supergirl. Which Instagram account, I cannot remember, but there also was a photograph of Berlanti sitting in a fancy, throne-like chair smiling at the camera. The Flash actor was holding the phone to his ear on one side, while Stephen Amell, the Green Arrow actor, was pouring him tea. This picture itself may or may not still be online as I don’t recall whose it was when I saw it. While Gustin has played a gay character on Glee prior to being hired for The Flash, Amell, early in his acting career, had a role on Queer As Folk, as well as a role on the LGBT show, Dante’s Cove. Ironically, the latter show’s first season is apparently now streaming on Hulu, which is owned by The Disney Company.

*Dante’s Cove: Where supernatural forces are held at bay by six pack abs and an overpriced Disney+ package

The connection of writers, producers, and actors openly promoting homosexuality in Hollywood is nothing new, but it has become more prominent in recent years. Yet, the connection to promoting younger and younger actors and actresses not only kissing each other on screen, but then normalizing same-sex kissing on top of it all has also become fashionable. A simple Google search on say, black actors and gay Hollywood does not come up with a diverse group of opinionated links, but rather the continued promotion of “progressive” sexuality in Tinseltown.
Now other than some purely speculative connections between random people who’ve managed to make a mark in Hollywood, you may be wondering why this is relevant at all. With the promotion of The Flash as a fun superhero show the whole family can enjoy, the gay police chief character seems of minor relevance until one factors in that “Joe” angrily tells the nurse at the hospital that the chief’s male fiancée will see him after visiting hours after being expressly told said hours are over. See, it’s one thing to assume that being passionate about subjective morality has its place when leaving God out of the equation, but the normalizing of things we know to be contrary to reality takes a back seat once the medium has been established enough to stop coming across as friendly and start making demands. What I mean by that is, the segue of separated beds in 1950s TV, to fake gay characters in Three’s Company, to softcore porn in mainstream TV today has been slow, but steady. Try curtailing back on any of it in the public square, you’d be mocked and ridiculed. Now chastity and restraint don’t need to be an obstacle. Now the powers-that-be can be bold in how they push their progressive values.

"Kids, tell your mom were puttin those twin beds together tonight!"

Alan Ball, the Academy Award winning writer of American Beauty, did a hefty job of promoting infidelity, pedophilia, and homosexuality along with straight up murder for rebuffing homosexual advances. I seem to recall his mentioning somewhere that they celebrated mocking the American nuclear family as they toasted the film’s success. I once read a gay critic discuss how Ball attempted a valiant effort at normalizing homosexuality on the HBO series, True Blood. Based upon The Southern Vampire Mysteries by Charlaine Harris, the story revolves around the creation of a blood substitute so vampires can “come out of the coffin,” and Public Enemy No. 1 is the church of the “Fellowship of the Sun.” Yes, with a U, but anyone with common sense understands the Hollywood elusion to Christianity at odds with homosexuality. The gay critic did comment, however, that despite whatever Ball’s good intentions might have been to normalize the lifestyle, ironically, the vampires were the murderous predators of the series.

*Nothing more frustrating than forgetting your Kroger card when V-juice is on sale

The point of this entire post is not the condemnation of those accepting the homosexual lifestyle, but to focus on the destruction of the American male as seen through the eyes of someone who has watched the mainstream media slowly eradicate the Judeo-Christian value system as Hollywood introduces one destructive trope after another, all under the guise of art, craft, and progress. What we will see is how Hollywood has used the white male for its own purposes and now that the “diversity” has supposedly entered the picture, we will see how next on the agenda has already been the destruction of the black male in America. But now, instead of focusing on slavery, on civil rights, on political parties, and injustice by the courts, this focus will shift to how Satan uses Hollywood to get people to succumb to the selling of their souls. This is why you cannot have a differing political opinion in Hollywood. This is also why so many “stars” rant the same exact vitriol on social media. This is also why when the subjects get a bit too taboo during recorded interviews, toeing the line becomes the norm if you’re paying attention. The skin color or the actor or actress is often focused upon for very different reasons than the unsuspecting public realizes. The reasons are not diversity and social progress, but the normalization of everything antithetical to Scripture and through all demographics.
Keep in mind, we all can admit that we love TV shows and we love the movies. I’m only covering cursory details as this, again, isn’t exhaustive. But suffice it to say, brainwashing as a term can be wholly offensive and yet simultaneously, that is exactly the term that can and should be used when dealing with the subject of influencing people through what they watch. It is one reason why social media users have been deemed “influencers.” We know full well that millions of dollars are pumped into thirty second commercials and hundreds of millions into shows and movies alike. But like always, we don’t like to delve behind the curtain and see what machinations may be lurking. To look any deeper might confirm our suspicions that people aren’t generally good, but generally evil, which lines up with the biblical assertion that mankind is utterly sinful and in need of a savior. Which is why, no matter how hard Hollywood has fought against it, the writers know our basic understanding is always about good vs. evil. So supernaturally, the objective in hindsight and from an historical perspective, is not to shy away from the concepts of good and evil, but to reverse their roles as Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Everything that innately has been understood to a culture as morally reprehensible slowly over time then becomes a part of the progression toward that full reversal. We see in history through the digression of fallen nations and becoming morally decadent is a prerequisite itself to the arrival of that nation’s destruction; be it through disease, famine, and war or all of the above.
As a lover of superhero films and series, the focus here will be on the blend of satanic imagery and homosexuality in, again, what would be considered family fare with the overly priced popcorn to boot. Young Justice was an animated series that I discovered after the show had been canceled. While focusing on the lesser members of the Justice League, such as Superboy, Robin, and Aqualad, protégé of Aquaman, the show had some fascinating esoteric elements that became more obvious in the second season entitled Invasion. Yet, even in Season One, a particular villain, Klarion the Witch Boy is introduced who really doesn’t need much more of an introduction than that. The secret society he is a part of, along with Lex Luthor, refers to themselves as “The Light.” For the sake of not overusing the term, the Illuminati, I’ll simply point out that Satan disguising himself as an angel of light is typically a major factor in attempting to spin unholy illumination in a positive framework, such as the serpent did when deceiving Eve. Now the serpent, or nachash in Hebrew, is focused on deception by promoting the gnosis of the tree of knowledge of good & evil. The website makes an interesting point that: “in Biblical Hebrew there is a fascinating strong etymological connection between the ‘Nachash’ and supernatural forces. The Biblical Hebrew word for sorcery or witchcraft is… the same as the word for serpent – meaning Nachash! In Modern Hebrew, the old verb Le Nachesh – which meant ‘to make a witchcraft’ in the Hebrew Bible – changed its original meaning and is used today in the meaning of ‘to guess.’ The reason for this is probably connected to the usage of this verb in the Hebrew Bible in the context of telling the future by fortune tellers. Therefore, it is strongly associated with the concept of ‘guessing.’”

"Youre not getting into Australia without a shot & a mask."

Another compelling aspect to the character of Klarion is his use of technosorcery and the opening of dimensional portals, something that has become more popular of late in not just science fiction, but that of horror films, and the aforementioned superhero genre. The previous mention of the Flash was no misnomer. An episode literally had grim reaper style characters drag a black-clad villain into hell through a dimensional portal. As the culture becomes increasingly secular, literally meaning worldly, not spiritual or unholy and outside the temple, the movement publicly espouses atheism, but privately indulges in spiritualism that is, again, not biblical. But as private practice inevitably spills into public polity, the switch to more fascinating esoteric aspects of reality only become the norm when the erosion of Judeo-Christian values is all but completely supplanted with disbelief. Since humanity must fill the spiritual void and the wasteland of the pop culture bans Jesus Christ as the anathema of that culture, Satan has done his work which was to reverse their roles in the minds and hearts of the masses. This, too, coincides with Romans 1:26-28 where God gave them up to their vile passions and the reversal from natural sexuality to homosexuality. Even the name Hollywood, itself, has a pagan connection as the eighth month of the Celtic Lunar Calendar is the Holly tree.

*Klarion, the Witch Boy: Just slightly more satanic than your average 80s cartoon villain

Lastly, on the subject of Young Justice, after a long hiatus, Season Three was picked up on the DC Universe app. After reading several in-app comics and left with a less than enthusiastic taste in the mediocrity of their original TV series, I was looking forward to this animated franchise continuing. But alas, Aqualad turns to homosexuality as the writers thought to be inclusive of the LGBT agenda. To top it all off, Aqualad is black... because diversity. For those critical of this writing and that topic in general, I highly recommend the book, After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90s by their own promoters, Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen. As a counter rebuttal, I also recommend the Christian apologetic work, The Marketing of Evil: How Radicals, Elitists, and Pseudo-Experts Sell Us Corruption Disguised As Freedom, by David Kupelian.
Aqualad being black may seem trivial on the surface, but there in lies another clever agenda when it comes to Hollywood. Exploit the masses by pretending to be all-inclusive; except leave out the part where African-Americans will continue to do racist minstrel shows, but under different guises. Initiation, it seems, isn’t just for the white male, it’s for anyone seeking to get ahead in Hollywood.
I remember watching a video of a famous award-winning, African-American actor (who shall remain nameless since I can’t locate the video) in a room with other black males discussing going to a party, which apparently was for initiation. He specifically mentioned taking off his shirt to put on a fishnet shirt - to let them know - and then the drinking of a spiked beverage. Later, after waking up sore from anal penetration, the opportunities represented themselves in the film world which were not presented prior. At the end of the video, he said he wasn’t gay, but if he was, “What up with that ass though, Lenny.” Which particular Lenny is being referred to here, I do not know. But on a similar note, a particular page I recommend following on Instagram, @the_real_hollyweird_is_evil has a lot of African-American actors and musicians discussing the more diabolical machinations of their industries and what it has cost people.
When Moonlight came out, Hollywood plugged that film with a vengeance. As one commentator online labeled the film, “inner city Brokeback Miami,” it became obvious to those paying attention that Hollywood was plugging another sexually-charge piece of “art.” Also noteworthy: Anyone who’s also a study in film history will find mention of people like James Dean being mentioned as male prostitutes as far back as the late forties & fifties. His films are often considered classics in their own right. James Dean died at the ripe young age of twenty-four. Something else that happens often in Hollywood; They die young in their attempts to become the next up-and-comers. 
Now, new shows, like Netflix's Hollywood (2020), showcase the lifestyle of these post-WWII up-and-comers doing such dastardly deeds under the guise of “fiction” & “entertainment.” Keep in mind, that Best Supporting Actor winner of 2016’s Moonlight, Mahershala Ali plays deceased, real life musician, Dr. Donald Waldridge Shirley, in 2018’s controversial film, Green Book. Shirley apparently was queer as well. In an interesting side note, Ali is taking over as Blade, the titular vampire hunter of Marvel Comics fame. Passing the mantle would be Wesley Snipes who ironically was Hollywood’s first real, major, black, comic book superhero in terms of quality filmmaking. We’ll leave out Damon Wayans as I specified quality. The Wayans brothers and their crossdressing antics could be an entire blog in itself. However, even Snipes played a crossdresser in the 1995 film, To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything, Julie Newmar. Homosexuality, as we’re seeing, seems to be a prerequisite when it comes to either getting one’s foot in the door, or staying in the room, spiked drink and all.

Blade, Bodhi & Luigi

In the past, I’ve come across blogs where Julliard-trained men and women have mentioned having to perform sexual deeds to get ahead on Broadway as well as in Tinseltown. So it’s ironic that with a simple Google search, I typed in Anthony Mackie, (known as The Falcon in the Avengers and Captain America’s friend), and found that he not only is Julliard trained, which I knew, but one of his early roles was… you guessed it, a “breakthrough performance” as a gay man in 2004’s Brother to Brother. Also, noteworthy is simply finding out how many homosexual actors are in major Broadway shows. Jonathan Groff - who stars in Netflix’s Mindhunter, voices Kristoff in the Frozen films and starred as King George III in the musical Hamilton - is openly gay and was also the lead in the homosexual HBO series, Looking.

"Just don’t ask where that thing has been."

Now the point of this essay isn’t to single out anyone for indulging in the homosexual lifestyle, but rather to point out that Hollywood success and the promotion of homosexuality, while closeted in the past, has more of a connection to the gnosis than we realize. By making seduction a part of the divine contract of the 3Gs: The gold, the glory, and the girls, no one is looking in the dressing room to see who else might be in there. The casual fellatio scene at the beginning of Epix’s series, Get Shorty, shows us that while one day you’re just an errand boy, after a few thoughtful (or thoughtless) lapses in moral character, you might just be the next star of the silver screen. They're just now showing you how you'll have to get there. Even in the trailer of Netflix’s Hollywood miniseries, Jim Parsons (The Big Bang Theory’s Sheldon Cooper) plays a new character angrily shrieking at a young hopeful, over dinner, for simply not knowing something or someone. This mirrors a scene in the late-90s film, 54, where someone calls a young Ryan Philippe a troglodyte at a similar dinner, knowing full well the ignorant up-and-comer did not know the word referred to cavemen. By diving deeper behind the curtain, we see men of power dictating what men and women must do in order to get a glimpse of that same power. A very detailed, albeit, inappropriate graphic novel, The Fade Out, by Ed Brubaker, covers this exact same timeframe of post-WWII in similar fashion with some very disturbing subject matter warranting the question of just where exactly these ideas come from. In the future, I’ll attempt to move further beyond the curtain and see if we can’t catch a glimpse of something else historically malevolent.

*When You can't handle the truth! was Jack thinking about... other things.

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