Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Musings on Sex, Race, & Christianity as the New Counter-Culture

One of the most powerful lines in a film that I ever heard was when Cate Blanchett’s character, Galadriel, narrates the beginning of the first Lord of the Rings film. She says, “… Nine rings were gifted to the race of men, who, above all else, desire power.” Now we understand that this is fiction, but words on paper and produced on screen are powerful mediums that influence people whether they admit it or not. Note how men were gifted rings of power. Like all gifts, they have to originate somewhere, as nothing cannot produce something. But why is power such a fundamental desire in mankind? When one looks at the history of the world, all rights & wrongs are based in a world of governmental order & authority to varying degrees of success, but eventually all ending in collapse. If all ends in failure, why does mankind hope? Atheism is a belief system telling one that hope is fruitless. Without an origin for morality outside of mankind, each demographic, race, and sex will decide its own future and that future will most certainly come at the expense of another. This is why the survival-of-the fittest mentality is so prevalent in atheism even if atheists do not necessarily espouse evolution. Said ideology has nothing left to which it can cling to other than a Creator God, which they [atheists] summarily dismiss.
            The outcry in today’s Western civilizations has become apparent even to the untrained eye. Humanity’s economic woes, evil at the expense of others, sicknesses, and natural calamities on massive scales have all become the norm as people make light of an expected WWIII, so-to-speak, in casual conversation. However, these are all “symptoms” without so much as a word, from our ever-imposing, but very influential mass media, on the root cause. Oscar Wilde, the renowned playwright, who was imprisoned for homosexuality, even with young boys, in Victorian England, wrote some of his most powerful works at the end of his life when he was imprisoned for sodomy. In his suffering, he cried out to God and he came to the realization of his sinful nature and what his pursuit of pleasure cost him. Ravi Zacharias elaborates, “Prime Minister Konoye of Japan, who committed suicide after his role in the Second World War, is a fitting reminder. On his night table was Oscar Wilde’s De Profundis, The words he had underlined read, ‘As terrible as it was what I had done to others, nothing was more terrible than what I had done to myself.’”
            Like Oscar Wilde, we have grown comfortable in our everyday lives dismissing as common practice or even human nature what God has deemed sinful. Not strictly speaking on sex, but even in our daily lives, a devotional life toward self and not toward God only promotes an atheistic lifestyle to others when we claim to be Christians. This is why, when we do pursue the Lord, those around us grow uncomfortable with how to approach us, even in small talk. It is not the God-pursuing Christian that bothers them, but the conviction of the Holy Spirit that prompts them. I am reminded of the great evangelist Smith Wigglesworth, who drew people to repentance simply by being in their presence. As one reads this from an outside perspective, they may dismiss these writings as those of a Christian belief and that is only one of many religions. Yet, in our pluralistic culture where any belief is encouraged, it is interesting that Christianity is the one so heavily critiqued. One piece of commentary I saw after the Martin/Zimmerman trial was that everyone on Facebook had suddenly become lawyers. So true is this kind of thinking in terms of understanding the Bible and the notion of truth. People dismiss the Bible as a racist, sexist, homophobic piece of simplistic literature where the God of the Old Testament is cruel and the God of the New Testament was just a good teacher. Yet, when one is presented with all the words of Jesus, one can find that they compliment the Old Testament in a miraculous way that only a miraculous God could have presented. The Bible is made of sixty-six books, written by multiple authors, establishing one narrative: God’s kingdom established on earth. Note how the God of the Old Testament continually woos the children of Israel back to Him after His justice has been served. Note that the story of Ruth shows God’s mercy while the Book of Esther never actually mentions the word, “God,” but shows his divine intervention into humanity’s affairs. Note how Eve’s eyes were not open to her sin after she ate the fruit, but only when Adam ate after her, did they both realize their nakedness and hid themselves. Adam could have spiritually covered his wife’s sin by rebuking the serpent and not eating the fruit. Even in perfection, the husband was to be the wife’s covering. She was never to be in submission as a servant or slave, but in the authoritative structure ordained by God.   
            By not accepting the supernatural along with the natural, we have relegated our society to the depths of despair mocking the very notions of hope & truth. In Ravi Zacharias’ powerful book, Deliver Us From Evil, he refers to C.S. Lewis’ classic work, The Abolition of Man. “But alas! What have we done to ourselves? We have told a generation that science is real and therefore the human brain is real. We have told them that food is real and therefore our stomachs are real. But we have told them that good and bad do not exist and therefore our emotions have nothing to do with reality. In effect we have produced a generation of ‘men with brains and men with stomachs. Men with no heart. Men without chests.’ Now as we witness wickedness at its worst we wonder how the criminal could be so heartless. ‘In a sort of ghastly simplicity we remove the organ and demand the function. We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings [castrated animals] be fruitful.’”
         As I then decided to open up my own copy of The Abolition of Man to read on, I found the compelling argument, which definitely needs to be reiterated in Western societies. Lewis refers to Natural Law as not being “one among a series of possible systems of value. It is the sole source of value judgments. If it is rejected, all value is rejected.” Natural Law, like any law had to originate with a Creator. The idea that biblical morality is traditional, or dare I say, conservative is because conservatism is defined as holding to traditional values. Thus, American law traditionally stood upon the Bible as its chief source of influence. Yet our secularizing of biblically based American culture means focusing on a different "ethic." As Lewis further elaborates, “The Nietzschean ethic [God is dead] can be accepted only if we are ready to scrap traditional morals as a mere error and then to put ourselves in a position where we can find no ground for any value judgments at all.” In accepting the secularization of the culture as a whole, misuse of the Bible to oppress others actually gets replaced entirely as atheism enslaves the minds of the people. Putting focus upon mankind instead of God allows for the hope to be seen in the present instead of faith in God for an unseen hope in the future. However, atheism breeds despair not hope. Evidence of this can clearly be seen across the globe where atheism breeds socialism and inevitably, communism. People discuss the horrors of the African slave trade and yet they do not know that its very existence can clearly be seen as starkly contrasting what the Bible says on slavery [I refer to my researched “Revolution” blog post as well as The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Bible by Robert J. Hutchinson]. Yet, one wonders if anyone has read of the horrors that Communism wrought throughout Russia and Eastern Europe post-WWII. Richard Wurmbrand wrote that the horrors that the Nazis brought, he felt God used to prepare them for what was to come after that. In fact, in all his years in Russian imprisonment, witness to horrific tortures, rape, and murder, none of it can be justified, to be immoral, outside of a moral Creator God. It is survival-of-the-fittest coming to fruition. It does not care what skin color it persecutes, but it will seemingly use it to its advantage. The Bible says that the thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. How fitting that in a secularized world, we have seen our definition of the removal of slavery [only through Christian influence], but we have aborted millions upon millions of future generations, which through our reasoning, were redefined, as humanity is wont to do when pleasing self, not God. The sex trade becomes more and more prevalent in secularized nations, subjecting the woman to the evils of sexual desire outside of God’s plan for the marriage bed. We’ve told the black race in America he/she is now equal, yet one look at how they’re treated shows no trace of Christian influence, but an atheistic focus has kept them enslaved to men who desire power above all else. One can Google the pdf file, “Democrats and Republicans: In Their Own Words A 124 Year History of Major Civil Rights Efforts Based on a Side-by-Side Comparison of the Early Platforms of the Two Major Political Parties,” not because of the Republican party having a moral high ground, but because there was always a focus on persecution that can only be demonically influenced [The conservatism of the Republican party is not always biblically based, but that is another discussion]. To say one is racist only focuses on the outward manifestation, the symptom, when the Bible says that the Lord looks at the heart or the root cause. A few years back, I remember a French pastor saying that the true Church in France, which was very small, was heavily the work of Africans who moved to France. Something about the worship I have witnessed, in African style worship, is something that is not necessarily recognizable to the white American, but their worship does show that God pulls leadership from all walks of life and worship is one area where the African is blessed & blesses. How sad that reports have gone out of God sending Africans today to the United States as missionaries [which itself shows God's grace] when our nation was to be that City on a Hill and has sent out missionaries on a grand scale only to ultimately allow our own nation to crumble from within as President Reagan lamented in the past.
         However, in all of this, there lies a glimmer of hope amidst despair. God still reveals himself to mankind. The calamity around us should encourage us to read The Book of Revelation. True worshipers understand the need for a life of devotion to God and not self. When our thoughts are for those around us and not ourselves, we begin ministering first to our spouses & children, to those around us at work or school, and the love of Jesus Christ will inevitably transcend racial lines amidst a corrupted secularized nation. If God did not continue to reveal himself, hope would be lost and yet, Jesus said to preach the gospel to all creation. God continues to woo his people just as he did in the Old Testament. When the Holy Spirit reveals Jesus to the unsaved, they are to be discipled and then to disciple. This is why it is fruitless to be caught up in the cares of the world, even though they bombard us every day. Each person has a destiny in God, which is why we hope and also why abortion is morally wrong…, because we understand it to be so from a biblical perspective. It is why we men are to love our wives as Christ loved the Church. It is also why slavery was always a contradiction that should never have been imposed upon America. As the Declaration reads, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator…” Peter Marshall’s excellent historical critique on where they went wrong submitting to the negation of abolition can be found in his work, From Sea to Shining Sea. That being said, Gandalf can summarize more eloquently than I when he says, “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” 

...On the Other Side of the Fence

Dirk Benson   had a thing for Latinas. Always had. Ever since he’d worked his grandfather’s farm and the hired hands would have their famili...